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Old 06-12-2008, 11:21 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ttoyoda View Post
Great post. So basically there is enough inexpensive fuel to run internal combustion engines way beyond the time humans migrate to other planets. The doom-mongers and hair-shirts-for-everyone-mongers never mention this kind of information. Why is that?

Do a Google search for Dr. Ira Leifer of University of California Santa Barbara. He's been studying methane hydrates and their effects on the atmosphere, and says there is a pile of this stuff on our ocean floors. The Japanese are looking to exploit a major deposit northeast of Japan in the Pacific Ocean. When things warm up (such as Siberian tundra) loads of methane are released into the atmosphere, and methane is a LOT (i.e., 25 to 100 times) worse than CO2. So, use the stuff for cheap energy or let it bubble into the atmosphere for nasty side effects.

And, while pondering hair-shirts, go on the NPR website for the Diane Rehm show of Monday or Tuesday of this week, and listen to how your gummit allows regulators in the UK and Dubai regulate the commodity trade of west Texas crude in THIS country, and about how Goldman Sachs et al speculate in oil and other commodities for as little as 7% down, cornering ~1/3 of the market thereby. They are colluding to manipulate the market in similar fashion to how Enron manipulated the California utility market some years back. Keep in mind that Enron and Ken Lay were Bush's biggest financial backers and raised him from a pup, politically speaking.

About half the price of oil today is the result of such contrived speculation, as opposed to supply vs. demand. Similar story with corn, wheat, etc., which explains food riots in Cairo, and kids eating mudpies in Haiti.
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