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Old 12-06-2012, 03:28 PM   #5 (permalink)
Ultimate Fail
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.352 is disgusting !
That's a pickup truck Cd !

The 1992-1995 Civic Hatch had a Cd of .31, while the sedan had a .32 .
The next generation hatch jumped to .36 !

So Cd values really are unpredictable.

I would have thought the Cd to be lower on the hatch Cruze, simply because the rear glass is way too steep for good flow attachment on the sedan.
At least the hatch has a 'trip' strip in the form of a spoiler.

We have seen high Cds like this with other cars such as the 1996 Civic hatch and the Focus hatch, which both fell at around .36 mark .

I find it interesting that the Cruze is also around that .36 mark .
Could it have something to do with vortices created as the air spills over the sides of the rear quarter panel ?
If you notice, all three of these high drag designs have the same rear shape with the quarter panel protruding past the spoiler line.

Last edited by Cd; 12-07-2012 at 06:52 PM..
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