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Old 12-06-2012, 07:11 PM   #52 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by basjoos View Post
If dried distillers grain (DDG)and the other "food" by-products of ethanol production is so much healthier than whole corn, why isn't it being sold as human food and being incorporated into breakfast cereals and other food items that normally contain corn. Why is it considered fine for animals, but not for people? Everything I have read about DDG in livestock feed discusses how much you can add to livestock rations (about 20 to 30%) before you start seeing a negative effect on growth. That it is an inexpensive, readily available alternative to corn, but is not a direct replacement for it.

DDG might be true for large scale livestock producers, but doesn't help the guy with a few head of cattle or who keeps a small flock of chickens for eggs who sees the price of corn and corn containing feed keep going up at the local Tractor Supply.

Also it doesn't address the problem of food shortages, riots, urban unrest, and government overthrows in 3rd world countries being caused by the ever increasing price of corn due to the ever increasing demand of corn for ethanol production. The increasing availability of dried distiller's grain for livestock feed in this country doesn't help the situation in the 3rd world for the guy who can rarely, if ever, afford meat and is increasingly unable to afford the corn to feed his family.
DDG is being increasingly pursued as a human food ingredient. The problem with its adoption hasn't been its healthfulness, but rather the cost associated with processing it to be a useable part of our diet. Animals with four stomachs who are accustomed to eating hay have somewhat different palates than we do.

It's true you can't feed your animals 100% DDG, nor can they grow on 100% of any other single diet.
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Last edited by shovel; 12-06-2012 at 08:55 PM..
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