Originally Posted by Xist
This has been discussed multiple times just on this forum. Ethanol
is more expensive than Gasoline per
energy unit, especially now due to high corn prices. Ethanol is way to
reduce Petroleum consumption and it even increases the octane rating so it's effectively a cheaper high octane additive. Toulene is a common octane booster used and it's way more expensive than Gasoline. Energy density is a relatively minor issue, infact Ethanol can increase the energy efficiency just from the effect on the intake air. Read up on some of the efficiency studies on Ethanol fueled engines, it's pretty incredible what can be done with alcohol.
There's also the economic perspective that money spent domestically multiplies GDP growth vs Imports but that's another topic. I'm taking MacroEconomics so such things are the first things I think of but I could go on for pages.