Now that you mention the drag co-efficiency, I noticed the hatch didn't feel as stable on the highway as my coupe did. The tranny is definitely an EX. It has the same gear ratios as my coupe. 00 si trannies are for B series motors so it wouldn't bolt up to my engine and they have super short gears. The tires are new. Nothing fancy about them just the plain stock size. I replaced the second o2 sensor(down stream) this morning. Now I'm off to the junkyard to find a stock exhaust system. I researched it a little last night. I found an article out of an import performance magazine that had a 99 ex with 60mm exhaust. The car actually lost power & torque between 2000-3500 rpm. The dyno sheet showed it didn't get the power back until after 4000rpm and then made more hp at the top of the rpm range. So you guys are right again. Thanks for your input. A can scan gauge is now on my christmas list. Please feel free to make more suggestions. Wish me luck at the junkyard.