Yes, a number of us have posted the method of obtaining high MPG. It seems like those getting poor mpg have the same things to say. It normally goes something like this;
"I have been getting 35 to 37mpg on my C-Max. I have tried everything, to no avail. I wish Ford was honest about the mpg of this car."
After that, they typically add.....
"I do not care if I get mid 30s. This car is wonderful to drive, quick and very entertaining. It is worth it even for mid 30s mpg."
Those statements let me know they really do not try anything to improve their mileage. Also, a couple guys on the C-Max forum have "Discovered" Pulse and Glide recently and have gone from 35mpg to 50mpg with that simple "Discovery". So, they are learning!
Oh, yesterday, we as a family did a bunch of driving around with the heat on (engine running much more than needed to provide heat), I was on the gas more than normal, and the car was full with 5 people on board. I averaged 43mpg all day. I was actually up at 46mpg earlier when I was trying for higher mileage. But, after a while, I loostened up and just drove it while pretty much ignoring the mpg and we ended the day at 43mpg.