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Old 12-10-2012, 10:13 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Energy efficient hopper wagon - we need your expertise for a patent valua

Dear all,

on our crowdsourcing platform BluePatent (bluepatent [dot] com ), we recently launched a new search request to valuate a patent for an energy efficient hopper wagon construction.

Our client is looking for information regarding market, corporate interest and licensing deals in this technological area.

As there seem to be some experts for this technological area here, I would like to motivate you to contribute your knowledge to this search request. To do so you will just have to

- register a searcher account
- answer one or more questions
- upload a reference / document to prove your answer

Your answers will be checked within few days and if they make sense, you will be accredited a reward for every contribution you made.

Check out the search request on our page, following the links "BlueAsset" -> "Projects".

Looking forward to your participation!
Best regards,

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