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Old 12-10-2012, 09:54 PM   #5 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Originally Posted by JRMichler View Post
I suggest working on aero and rolling resistance first.....
When you have done all that, then reevaluate gear ratios.
I agree....but.

I have an immediate need to take the front end entirely apart to replace various bits which don't work anymore, and while it's apart I plan to change a few from stock to lowered. If I'm lowering the front 3", I imagine I should drop the rear about 4", which requires disconnecting the axle. While it's unhooked, maybe I should spend ca. $150 more and swap it? <---Train o' Thought, Illustrated!

I read on here that these trucks benefit from being lowered and dammed/skirted almost as much as from being smoothed beneath, and a lower roofline allows for kayaks to be loaded more easily, too. On top, I'm planning sport mirrors and am holding my breath waiting for A8KSH4's project (which, apparently, I'm ALMOST able to link to - one more post) to get to the A-B-A testing and numbers phase before I start building molds myself.

I am going to start working on engine mechanicals next month and getting a Scangauge, as well as swapping over from engine fan to electrical fans. I don't see myself going full-blown fanatical with eco/hyper driving and mods, but the stuff that's simple for me and nets a decent cumulative gain will get done. I don't think I'll be springing for LRR tires for this one - it's almost twice the cost - but I'll make sure I keep the Kumho's topped up regularly.

I like the killswitch idea, but it's first getting applied to the A/C compressor! :-) GM, in their infinite wisdom, does not think I would like a cabin-air-recirculate setting without the compressor running. Gotta fix this.

Thanks to Cobb and JR for setting my priorities in the real order, despite whatever I'll end up doing with them - and also for the photos of JR's Canyon, which helped me reassess how I'm going to build my aerolid.

Thanks to Kevin for walking through the math with me in a more methodical way than I already had - I think you're right about the 3.42 gearing - if only it were simpler to swap rearend gears! I only need the 3.42 about five or six weeks a year, the remaining 45+ are spent driving around Flatland with no real resistance.

I appreciate the help!

Last edited by ThomCat316; 12-10-2012 at 09:56 PM.. Reason: mislabeled vehicle
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