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Old 12-11-2012, 04:15 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MetroMPG View Post
Just a thought: throttle body injection (TBI) looks a lot like a carb. My '98 Firefly/Metro has TBI - Suzuki design. (I have no idea if Toyota did TBI too though.)
No no, I insist, it's wearing a carb.

How do I know? Let me count the ways:
  1. I plugged the AAP vacuum line, not a component found on EFI engines.
  2. Follow the above link then to Toyota Nation forum where others state they have the same car with the same engine with a carb, some of them in the US also.
  3. The throttle body has an idle-speed adjustment set-screw which I've tuned, also (I believe) not found on EFI engines.
  4. My mechanic calls it a carb, recommended a carb rebuild, but said a clean and tune would also help significantly (what I actually had him do and he charged me for).
  5. The Toyota mechanic called it a carb, noted it smelled rich and suggested a leaky float (this was before I plugged the AAP vacuum line, now it smells much better, so he was at least mostly wrong about the float leak).
  6. I've wrenched on this so many times with my Haynes manual open for various reasons... the manual calls it a carb, and everything matches 4A-F differentiators. Off the top of my head, some of the differentiators are common with 4A-FE, like the valve cover nuts, but I can definitely rule out 4A-GE. I can't remember whether the distributor timing adjustment, which I've done several times, is unique to the 4A-F or common to the 4A-FE. Certainly Haynes has never been wrong assuming it's 4A-F, just like the VECI label says.

Last edited by christofoo; 12-11-2012 at 05:02 PM..
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