Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Just a thought: throttle body injection (TBI) looks a lot like a carb. My '98 Firefly/Metro has TBI - Suzuki design. (I have no idea if Toyota did TBI too though.)
No no, I insist, it's wearing a carb.
How do I know? Let me count the ways:
- I plugged the AAP vacuum line, not a component found on EFI engines. http://ecomodder.com/forum/showthrea...tml#post338094
- Follow the above link then to Toyota Nation forum where others state they have the same car with the same engine with a carb, some of them in the US also.
- The throttle body has an idle-speed adjustment set-screw which I've tuned, also (I believe) not found on EFI engines.
- My mechanic calls it a carb, recommended a carb rebuild, but said a clean and tune would also help significantly (what I actually had him do and he charged me for).
- The Toyota mechanic called it a carb, noted it smelled rich and suggested a leaky float (this was before I plugged the AAP vacuum line, now it smells much better, so he was at least mostly wrong about the float leak).
- I've wrenched on this so many times with my Haynes manual open for various reasons... the manual calls it a carb, and everything matches 4A-F differentiators. Off the top of my head, some of the differentiators are common with 4A-FE, like the valve cover nuts, but I can definitely rule out 4A-GE. I can't remember whether the distributor timing adjustment, which I've done several times, is unique to the 4A-F or common to the 4A-FE. Certainly Haynes has never been wrong assuming it's 4A-F, just like the VECI label says.