Thread: Towing?
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Old 12-13-2012, 01:49 AM   #12 (permalink)
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The original question tho is about towing a 2,000 pound trailer and from the sounds of it, it's going to be a bit lighter then that even, most states require passenger cars that are towing trailers over 3,000 pounds to have trailer brakes, New Mexico is included in that 3,000 pounds needing trailer brakes, but for a 2,000 pound trailer trailer brakes are not required, however it sounds like you are going to put a lot of miles on while towing it so they might be a good idea if you can get them.

According to all of the sources I can find a 2,000 pound trailer should be within the safe and legal limit for anything that you can get a class 1 hitch for, class 1 being the type of hitch that is sold for compact cars and should be legal in all states, sub compact cars like the Smart car, Scion IQ, Geo Metro and a few others are not a good choice for towing a small trailer.
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