Well as a former fast driver who like others has come to enjoy hypermiling as an alternative lifestyle, I have discovered one thing that can maybe sway a younger driver who feels they must speed, compliment them on their driving!! then point out a few things they can do to improve, like be more aware on blind corners to slow down, prolong the life of their brakes and one thing thats saved me many times and got me compliments fom passenger, unspoken , but noticed when they are not nervous with me when faster driving, it's to always lift my foot off the gas a bit when anything comes up that might be involving braking, this puts my passenger at rest that I'm planning ahead, i can hardly drive with anyone who has their foot on the gas till they have the brake on, my 66 Mustang which I raced regularly everywhere had the original rear brakes for over 18 years! and fronts almost the same, just by planning, if the kids would learn that one trick , saves your life hundreds of times . but complimenting them first makes them want to seem better and they will listen,