Pizza Pans
Picked the pans up from Wally World today, made in the good ole USA! Went to York Bolt and bought some large washers that fit in the factory hub covers perfectly, even had to whack them a little with a hammer to get them all the way in place.
Welded a smaller washer in the center of the larger washer so the bolt would fit without significant side play, it would fall right through the hole in the larger washer. One stainless acorn hut holding the cap in place in the center. I still need to get some vacuum hose and slice it, then glue it on the edge of the cap so it will ride centered on the very edge of the rim, otherwise it would not be even because of the wheel weights. Should get them finished and installed tomorrow, just about the time I refill this tank so I can see what difference the tires and the smooth covers made in the mileage.
The picture shows the hub cap with the bolt installed and the cover installed on the spare wheel.