Originally Posted by MetroMPG
I'm sure I don't need to ask if there's a good reason why you don't back intoyour driveway.
Conservation of momentum! I roll onto my street at 15mph, bounce into the driveway at 10mph, and coast to a stop in front of the garage.
Originally Posted by Xringer
I wonder if a 144vdc battery charger could be used to top-off the pack after you parked in the evening?
It's a NiMH pack, same as the Insight's. I don't see any reason why I can't use the Insight's battery charger to charge it. I'll look in to it later.
Daox, I'll try it with a warm engine some time and see what the SG SoC indicator says. The first leg of my commute is 0.3mi, has a top speed of 25mph, and has five complete stops and a red light. I understand why EV mode in a gas-fueled car is generally a terrible idea, but it could work well in this case. One step better would be an ICE kill switch, though. If such a thing does not exist, it needs to.
Good news: I found a copy of the FSM.
More good news: The section on "Hybrid Vehicle Control" is 572 pages.
The ECU has 110 terminals.