Originally Posted by wmjinman
Thanks WesternStarSCR,
I'm really starting to wonder if this test will just be a huge waste of time, gas & money. But I guess I'm committed to it, now. I was doing some "on-line research" (gotta brush-up my "scientific background" and all), and along with Old Mechanic and others, wondering if the occasional water spray is enough. In fact, some of the stuff I read was saying that along with the unwelcome loss in power per gallon (translating to lower MPG) of the ethenol blends, a BENEFIT of it is it cleans the engine internals really good - making any other steps redundant.
I'm new around here but I've been an Amsoil user for two decades and a rep for quite a while now.
I don't think your planned test is a waste of time but you might not get the same results advertised, although you probably will get some positive results if you haven't used a fuel cleaner in a while. Here's why, any product like the Amsoil PI (or insert your favourite fuel additive here) is tested on a cross section of "average" vehicles, not vehicles owned by enthusiasts who are manic about vehicle maintenance. That said, if your vehicle has the conditions the product is designed to alleviate then you will likely see a bigger improvement. If your vehicle is in good condition any gains may be minimal but you help prevent the condition from building. You will likely also find more benefit in older vehicles. Newer motors are less susceptible to buildup.
I do use the product, about twice a year in my truck (every 10 - 12k miles) and once a year in my VW Cabriolet prior to inspection because it does help with emissions. Because I use it regularly I don't perceive a difference after using it. However I have definitely observed MPG benefits in used vehicles I have acquired over the years. Because of my observations I feel it is useful as a preventative.
As far as any other additives I think they are snake oil at best and in many cases will do more harm than good, particularly in you oil. My opinion on oil, switch to a full synthetic and use 0w - XX (with XX being whatever the higher number the manufacturer calls for). Even in warm climates the 0w will help at startups increasing the lubrication at start up, decreasing wear and increasing mpg early in your trip.