Also the heater number is bk605-3231 and I got it from my local napa. They had to ship it in and cost 53.81 it's 400 watt
I got the oxygen sensor and I'm going to shed some light on the cheap ones versus the right ones. The one on the left was in my Vx hatch. As soon as I picked the car up I noticed the stumble. It only stumbled when it reached operating temp and when I unplugged the sensor the stumble went away. It had a new sensor installed when I got it so I figured hey it can't be that. Eventually I tried the sensor from another one and It fixed the stumble. So I started investigating what the difference was between these 2 sensors with the same part numbers.
First thing you notice is the length is different and the second thing is that the left one doesn't have a rubber grommet to mount into the bracket onto the water outlet in the front. These are merely physical differences that will not affect operation but they are a clue that somthing isnt right. Take a closer look at the numbers and you can see what's different. The lzA09 is the correct one for the federal vx. The lzA08 is the one that was causing stumbling on both the vx hatch I bought and on the vlx until I could afford a new one. There are other numbers out there too I believe (lzA06,07) somevx owners have stated the cheap ones work great some say not so good. From personal experience I'll pay for the good sensor.