Here are today's numbers with insulator. Not sure if the bluetooth froze around 10 or if the temp actually hovered around 50c for that long? either way for the final temp at noon I reset and reconnected to make sure.
Engine on
7:55 - 5c 41f
7:57 - 15c 59f
7:59 - 41c 106f
8:01 - 54c 129f
8:02 - 63c 145f
8:03 - 72c 161f
8:05 - 86c 187f
Engine off
8:17 - 75c 167f
8:31 - 69c 156f
8:48 - 62c 144f
9:12 - 54c 129f
9:43 - 50c 122f
10:19 - 50c 122f
12:12 - 24c 75f
Last edited by chrisgerman1983; 12-19-2012 at 11:27 AM..