Originally Posted by IamIan
Organizing MPG competitions happens all the time ... over and over again around the U.S. .... that part of the Ecomodder side is easy ... I suspect you will find it much much harder to get the HHO aficionados out there to compete head to head... or the money shot ... let other people run the test HHO vehicle on that same closed loop controlled course both with and without the HHO system enabled.
I'd be all in favor of the concept of the event quantification ... but I have my doubts about how successful you will be at getting it all organized ... but ... best of luck to you ...  Be sure to post up a thread of the details of when and where and such , once you've managed to pull it together.
But, the main goal is to get these HHO proponents out in the sunlight where their systems can be proofed by a capable second party. HHO supporters need to get out of their cloisters and meet the challenge, or simply quit bringing the topic up.
If it ends up being me and only me driving up to have UFO test my vehicle(s), then so be it.