Here are the numbers side by side. Times are not exactly the same but they are within 20 minutes of the temp they are beside. start and stop time were exactly the same. It was warmer today (without) and I was able to park where I was mostly sheltered from the wind.
with C/B ----- Without C/B
Engine on ----- Engine on
07:55 - 41f ----- 41f
07:57 - 59f
07:59 - 106f
08:01 - 129f
08:02 - 145f
08:03 - 161f
08:05 - 187f ----- 187f
Engine off ----- Engine off
08:17 - 167f
08:31 - 156f ----- 146f
08:48 - 144f
09:12 - 129f ----- 108f
09:43 - 122f ----- 97f
10:19 - 122f ----- 71f
12:12 - 75f ------ 61f