Socialism is already with's just socialism for the 1%. GWB's tax cuts for the 1% and 2 wars for oil and other resources used citizen's $ to finance wars that benefit the 1%...who by the way own 92% of all stocks....defense and oil for example.
Now after the deficit goes high from unfunded wars and the tax cuts...the 1% want retired people and the poor to take a cut...
9/11 was a direct result of US foreign intervention in the interests of the 1%....unless you buy into all the STUPID they come up with to get you to go along with the wars. The 1% control the fight the wars....we all pay the price.
So is it better to subsidize renewables rather than oil/coal? Eventually there will be high costs from global warming....renewables reduce GB...oil/coal increase GB?
Originally Posted by niky
The middle class got the lesser of two evils. Now all you have to do is get them to choose the least of three and Socialism in America can start in earnest.
Funny all the mudslinging between parties about vested industrial interests. The only difference between them is which inudstries get the interest. The one good thing about Obama is those industries included "green" ones, but one might argue he supported too many of the wrong ones. What a waste of money.