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Old 12-20-2012, 12:39 PM   #43 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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Location: Indiana, US
Posts: 133

TheCav - '04 Chevy Cavalier LS
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I think Ford botched thier numbers. I read the articles. The MPG is off by 10 in this car while most others tested are off by 1-2.

The guy on our forums is hypermiling but is only yielding a 9% Above EPA mileage. Then he drives as a normal person would and yields below EPA.

The EPA is driving under normal conditions, not HYPERMILING. So if your hypermiling you should exceed the EPA claims by at least 20%.

Ex 1: I drove a prius on 2 occasions. I drove for 15 minutes and hit 6 red lights, and a few stopsigns (not hypermiling). Still netted 55 mpg. Then I hypermiled it to pick up a pizza (hypermiled). Netted 75mpg. Above EPA both times. Looks like toyota is conservative in thier estimates.

Ex 2: Last few tanks im averaging 45 mpg in my cavalier, EPA is 23/27/33. Does that mean Chevy can claim 45mpg combined, just because its obtainable by hypermiling?
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