High current is a big problem. Wasted wattage is equal to the current squared x the resistance. P=I(squared)xR
If they could make a DC to AC(sinewave) converter that worked at 144vdc,
You could use much lower current.
I've used a small switching power supply (120-240Vac in / 12Vdc out) on a 144 Volt PV array and it worked fine. Turns out that DC input didn't hurt it.
Most of the Switching power supplies convert the AC right to DC, at the input.
Chop off the DC output section, and I could see a design like this being used to convert 144Vdc right into 230Vac (or 120Vac) for my house..

It would only take about 7 amps to make 230Vac at 1kW.
Of course, these designs save weight by using high-frequency transformers. 60Hz transformers weight a lot more.