Originally Posted by diesel_john
good info
Thanks for pointing that out. Part of the issue is that everyone talks about opening time but hardly anyone mentions closing time. If you are an ECU, then you care about the opening time (and a few other variables) if you are trying to get the timing of the squirt to coincide with the opening of the intake valve.
But that is only part of the "how much fuel is delivered" equation, the others being how long do you hold it open, and how much will it squirt
after I cut the power to the injector.
When I looked for a diagram of opening and closing fuel flow I found this:
where it looked like a complete wash, the area under the closing curve seemed to fill the gap in the area under the opening curve, which was Monroe74s point also.
But when you look at the megasquirt, you see an entirely different area under the curve for closing ( in blue):
This shows much less fuel delivered after power is cut off to the injector (described as less than .1mS) but there is a definate slope to the injector flow rate on opening. So I'm satisfied for now that there is indeed a difference between the the flow at opening and closing based just on this information, and since Yoshi has actually tested it, I'm content to call that difference 500uS. Speak up if you have an issue with this AND are willing to test in a most controlled manner under exacting conditions yourself