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Old 06-14-2008, 12:56 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Pennsylvania
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Hello from Pennsylvania!

Hello everyone!

I am really enjoying this website. I had no idea there were so many people that realized that the Government EPA guidlines were, in general, reasonable. For years I would hear people say; "Oh you can't believe the EPA sticker, no one ever gets that MPG". I would look at them like, huh??? I ALWAYS got the EPA estimates, usally better even by just driving "smart". I could not belive the government lowered the EPA estimates for new cars. I was liking the old estimates ...anyway...

What I like about this website is all the info on aeromods. I have been working on a 3-wheel car for a few years now and hope to get it on the road by next summer. So I like learning about what makes a car body aerodynamic. Too bad I had not found this site two years ago when we were building the basic body shape....such as life.

Our work has been documented by hundreds of pictures but the most interesting ones are here.

The frame is based on RQRiley's Trimuter. Of course the body is NOTHING like the Trimuter. We hope to paint it yellow with black trim, hence the name, "The Stinger". My daughter came up with that quite a few years ago and we liked it so it stayed.

The car will not be acting like a "Stinger" though being that it only has a 18 HP engine Once we get the basic car Inspected, titled and registered we are going to look at added an EV component to it.

Well, Hello again and hope to be talking to you all......


Laziness: Resting before you're tired!!
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