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Old 12-24-2012, 02:52 AM   #266 (permalink)
Not Doug
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During the semester, I tried to limit my visits here to brief ones as breaks. Then I finished finals and it seems like I caught up with everything pretty quickly and maybe it seems like there are few updates around here because I am checking frequently, but I ended up here. You guys know that I really like talking and I imagine that many people have decided that I am an ignorant simpleton (in smaller words, some worthy of censoring), but I must say that I have been lost during much of this debate\discussion. Fluorescent bulbs are standard in this complex, but it seems like apartments never have recycling. Soldiers ranted and raved about how small the garbage cans were in Germany (I believe that my sister had the same situation in San Francisco), but if you actually recycle, you really only throw away a fraction.

Before I had a bunch of Army stuff and lived in a larger apartment I held onto my recycling and then would take it to work, a recycling center, etc, but I am afraid that I just throw much of it away.

I honestly wonder what percentage of people recycle properly. I had roommates that used the recycling bin for garbage and I remember seeing recycling bins as filthy as any garbage can, including one dirty diaper stuck to the side. It seemed like many people who made an effort to recycle still did it wrong, like throwing bags of paper in the cans.

There were a few times when I would spend a little time sorting the recycling. Then, once, I saw the Germans come through and, since the recycling was overflowing, they threw the excess in the garbage.

I apologize for this being somewhat off-topic, but at this point, basically whatever I understand on the topic is what I may understand from this thread.

I do like the Earth, though. It is, as The Tick said, "where I keep all my stuff!"