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Old 12-27-2012, 04:01 PM   #9 (permalink)
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It's standalone. The original software development was to try and use the serial connector on the OBDIIC&C to do this, but it turned out to be too noisy in there to work reliably.

So Peter broke it out into a separate board with a dinky little 8 pin PIC to run just this software and be powered by the nice clean 5V the ECM puts out.

It works just fine without the OBDIIC&C. But that gauge tells you so much more about what's actually going on vis-a-vis amps in/out and voltage sag that it makes things twice as useful (for instance, when you're assisting and regening bypassing the the ECM signals, the ECM is still controlling the dash regen/assist lights, meaning you don't know what's going on except a red/green LED in the IMAC&C box and your butt sensor).

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