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Old 12-28-2012, 05:53 AM   #3 (permalink)
Wanting more for less
D.O.G.'s Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: New South Wales, Australia
Posts: 313

Metric - '94 Honda Magna 250
90 day: 69.83 mpg (US)

RedCelica - '94 Toyota Celica ZR
90 day: 35.97 mpg (US)

i30 - '12 Hyundai i30 Elite
90 day: 39.84 mpg (US)

i30-22 - '12 Hyundai i30 Elite
90 day: 39.22 mpg (US)
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Thanked 73 Times in 45 Posts
It's time for more Mods!

So, what for the future? The next obvious goal is 5.0 L/100km (47 US mpg).

I think this is going to take more than careful driving and pumped-up tyres, so ... It's time for some more mods.

As a starting point, I've just fitted an injector kill switch.

Using the ignition key also turned off the speedo.
Because the engine sometimes restarted if I made the key-off time too short, I often missed out on recording 50 or 60 meters every time I used EOC.
Given that I use 25 or 30 short EOCs going to work, that adds up fairly quickly.

I'm off work for a few weeks now, so I'll have to wait to see how much difference this might make for a normal commute.

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