Originally Posted by jamesqf
That's right, ignore the evidence and go on living in your little fantasy world...
If you could be bothered to read more widely and try to become less ignorant (unlikely on evidence so far) you
might know that the HADCRUT4 dataset (which includes the world and not just the 2% of it the US makes up) says no warming since 1997.
Which is a problem for the models as they say it should be warming. Reality vs fantasy...
You would also know the temp record in your link is flawed by adjustments which aren't fully explained, especially older temps being moved lower. It was warmer in the US in the 1930s, I seem to be able to read about a dust bowl ?
OK - enough of these simulations - what about an unadjusted record ?
The Central England Dataset (which is the longest instrument record in the world) also says no to any significant warming,
even since 1940.
Which is also a problem for the models. Reality vs fantasy.
In my "fantasy world" I would like the science to work out why this is, where the gaps in the models are and to do so openly and with
reproducibility. I kind of think this matters prior to committing the world to change course but hey maybe I'm a dreamer.
Apparently I'm not the only one though