Originally Posted by christofoo
Green - the part I'm fabricating. (Black is the hitch receiver on the car.) I'm thinking strip reinforced aluminum sheet, rivet construction. However, that method hasn't got the wife test green light yet.
Sounds good to me though !
What's your wife's issue with sheet alu construction ?
It's visually the cleanest method of construction, lighter than wood and if you keep it galvanically separated from steel, more durable as well.
Now, I see some aerodynamic gaps here to fill. The only question is how far do I need to go to get good results?
While not ideal, the air will fill the gap on its own

So you'll have a decent part the positive effects of a boattail even if you use just the cargo box.
What you might want to fill up is the hole between the cargo box and the car, so you won't have air cross-drafting and causing drag.