new feature - mirrored image
So I have finally made right-to-left version for those of you who have photograph of your car from the wrong side.
I also have a question to Aerohead, if he is still reading this thread:
what exactly are meanings of these numbers? The small size doesn't help to recognize them too.
I can identify angles on wheels (15, 10,10,10 degrees),
but I am confused with the others:
these on the ground line - Do they mean percentage of the overall length?
these around the boat-tail - is it the inclination? Could you possibly supply either a hi-res version of the drawing, or some sort of table with inclination numbers? It would be far better than try to decipher it from the image. I plan in the future to make some sort of rough boat-tail dimensions calculator.
Last edited by seifrob; 12-31-2012 at 03:59 PM..