Originally Posted by Vman455
And done! After removing the flashing, I filled the grill and lower fascia opening with expanding foam:
Cut off the excess with a kitchen knife:
Then fiberglassed:
After our hottest weekend of the year last week (97--and it's only in the 50s today), I noticed my temperature creeping up when the AC was running. So I made the radiator inlet slightly larger than what I had in the sheet metal:
Lots of sanding:
And on the car!
I adhered to the 10-foot rule; it looks pretty good...from 10 feet away. If I have more time in the future I can go back and clean up some spots, but overall I'm happy with it for how much time I put in. And it looks much less conspicuous than the galvanized steel!
Wow, looks nice, time to photoshop my xA to see how it would look like that