Originally Posted by Stubby79
I've pondered this too. I'd probably go with a smallish motor (~10hp, 25+ peak) sitting over the rear axle to the side of the diff with a chain drive going to the U-joint/diff input. It wouldn't have the torque to do take offs, but it'd have enough juice to keep you going without the engine once you're up to a certain speed, and it could regen on braking. You just need to gear it to match the max RPMs of the motor to the top speed you'll ever go and to the RPMs it'll go at the battery voltage you set up. Plus you could pre-charge it for a plug-in hybrid.
I've thought of something similar, but in my mind, it would fit right behind the transmission at the FRONT of the driveline (less movement from suspension travel).
And rather than skip the acceleration and use if for "cruising", my thought was to do the opposite - use it to help the acceleration, a very inefficient, gas guzzling part of the drive. If this thing could "torque" the driveline from dead stops so the clutch didn't realy have to be slipped & then "freewheel" once the speed exceeds it's operating range.... Along with a "plug-in charging system" and solar "trickle" panels on the roof.....
Regenerative braking would be awesome, but I just don't have any idea what's needed to make that work. I'm not an electrical wizard by any stretch of anyone's imaginaton....