Have you been able to monitor inverter temps yet?
I have a 2012 Prius now and I used the insulation foam to block 100% of the lower grille (radiator) but left the upper grille (inverter) unblocked. Under normal highway driving at 29F-55F and <70mph my coolant temps are 191-195F. Going uphill on my morning commute temps may get to 198F as long as temps stay below 50F. At 60F I saw temp rise to 202F then drop back to 195F pretty quickly. I feel I have a good handle on coolant temps now but I am concerned with inverter temps and my Scangauge has not been updated since 2006 and won't accept xgauges for my 2012.
I made the mistake of driving to LA at 75-85mph with the grille block on and when I hit the grapevine my temps climbed to 211F before I realized there was a problem. Despite temps in the low 50s, the grille block was obviously too much. Just a reminder so you guys don't do what I did. Make sure you have the tools needed to remove your grille block at a moments notice.