Just wondering what costs people are facing for home heating fuel right now around the nation.
I use propane for primary heat via boiler (which also heats domestic hot water) and try to only fill once a year with my 500 gal tank. I use a wood burning insert as often as possible to keep my boiler from firing up too often. I filled over 300 gallons this fall at $1.899/gal (the most I've ever paid per gallon). I called the other day for curiosity's sake and it is $2.359/gal now

. At those prices it's actually cheaper to use electric resistance heat than propane, in my case . I think natural gas in my area is less than half the cost of propane per btu. Makes me glad I started this heating season with 14 face cords of wood .
I remember when I first bought my house in 1999 and propane was $0.59/ gal.