As much as I like the EV concept, if you can't charge you might need to stick with Stinky gas for a little longer and Ecomod the heck out of the car.
On the other hand if Money isn't tight Solar Cells might be the way to go-most of the time you don't get full efficiency out of them but in your case a strong trickle charge might work for you. I've seen EV tractors with the same setup, used a few hours a day and left for a week or so since they aren't needed all the time.
The big problem is your location-if your gasser gets broken into now, what do you think will happen to a custom build with a shiny, glittery carapace of solar cells glistening in the sun like a giant June Bug? It's just begging for a heartbreak, insurance issues notwithstanding...I'm not saying give up your EV dream just yet-but consider moving if and when you can, for the sake of your current car as well as your future Current Car and peace of mind.
Now MY issue is both gut-wrenching poverty and NC insurance/DMV regulations-my state does not allow engine swaps of a different type(originally meant to prevent Gasoline to Diesel swaps).Most DMV officers tell me up front they would disallow EV motor swaps in order to CYA and avoid mistakes/loss of jobs. On the other hand NC has fairly lax regulations concerning custom builds and nice rates for Motorcycles-so if I ever overcome my cash-flow issues i'm going for an enclosed Trike, EV if I move closer to the city (or a city springs up around me) Small Diesel otherwise...
Of course NC winters aren't as harsh as yours so I might cobble together an EV Bicycle-but with most towns 30 miles away from my house i'd not commute in it.
Hey, anybody want a house in the country?