For me... in Calgary... I could insure a 2013 Chevy Volt w/1000000, 500 collision, 250 comp) for $1100/yr
For a 2012 Nissan Leaf with the same coverage, $1095/yr
Any retrofit or modified vehicle seems to be around $1300/yr as does a 2012 base model Civic...
My Silverado costs $1030/yr and the KLR costs $460/yr
For your 89 GLI... with all the boxes checked and lowest deductibles on an imported collector car, I can't get the quote to go over $1300/yr. Perhaps you should consider finding a different insurance company... or move to another province...
If you're in Nebraska and the wind stops or you see a tree, pull over immediately and take a nap. You're having road hallucinations.
Last edited by star_deceiver; 01-06-2013 at 09:45 PM..