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Old 01-07-2013, 03:51 AM   #17 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Earth
Posts: 15

Barbie Car - '98 Volkswagen Jetta GTS
90 day: 19.19 mpg (US)

Spazda - '07 Mazda Atenza MPS
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New insurance quotes seem to be my best solution, as for studying the hyper mailing tips, I was following those like a daily bible and averaging 66 Imperial MPG in my old 2000 Jetta TDI. This current Jetta has a hefty lump of problems and come spring I have a 1991 Jetta TD I'm going to be working on as the new daily driver.

Some how the 89 GLI is $6,600 from All State, I checked insurance quotes with TD Bank and it gave me a quote of $98 a month but only allows minimal coverage. I was told the reason it's so high is because it allows the car to be written off as a classic car so it can never be branded totaled if the damage value exceeds the value of the car so as long as there is still a physical car it will be fixed.

Some VWVortex horror stories turned me to thinking its not so bad, one person made a claim to get some damage on the bumper fixed and the cost of replacing and repairing the bumper was more then the total value of the car so they wrote it off so I kinda like the idea behind All State how my car gets fixed no matter the cost as long as there is no structural damage.

However for this second car for going to work and back, it seems that going with a second company is the way to go or even try to get a deal for basic just coverage on a second car.

The idea behind solar cells was exactly to trickle charge the car over long periods of time since the car is only used for about an hour of driving a day, the remaining portion of the day would be left to charge. There is also a street light right above where I park so that would help keep up the power levels at night so it's ready for morning.
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