Turns out I had my timing all wrong, again. Third times a charm, hopefully. Still haven't got it down. But I saw a page in the manual that showed that rolling the distributor back towards the rear advances, and pushing it towards the front retards. I had it as retarded as it can get. Which completely explains the horrible performance and acceleration hesitation I was getting! I was thinking these old Hondas were kind of slow when really, they pack a punch! Man 1st gear wide open throttle is a treat.
Using the timing light, I saw two marks. One single white dash, and to the left of it, ahead of it while the belt is turning counterclockwise, turning towards the front of the car, is another white mark, with two I think metal marks on each side of it. I had it adjusted to the single white dash, thinking that was the intended spec. That was actually Top Dead Center TDC, please correct me if I'm wrong because I'm clueless. So I think the other white mark with the two metal marks on each side of it, ahead of the single white dash, is actually the factory spec, and I think the two metal dashes indicates the +/- 2 degrees of advancement or retard... ment.
Anyway, the engine performs beautifully now. Packs a punch. Hopefully the smog tech guy is nice and tells me what my ignition timing is, and if it's a little off, I hope he gives me two minutes to adjust it. I mean all you need is a wrench, undo three bolts, nudge it ever so much, maybe a mm, and that should do the trick.