lucky you checked the oil, the tcw might have saved you some wear there, I've noticed and it was actually used in WW 2 that if your oil level is low you will get more power, this due to foaming or the crank hitting the oil in the pan, Many times you'll here stories about how a car was running better than ever , just until the oil light came on and it broke down, for this reason I'm assuming, might even be the cause of your better milage, oil could have gotten hotter, interesting result, MY truck does seem to ping more on hills so next tank bought some high test and it fixed that with a few gallons of it, back to regular fuel now and my feeling is it is a good idea to run the tcw once in a while , say every other tank and lube up the system , perhaps maybe only one ounce in 10 gallons, inconclusive but so far my testing is it is much smoother on start up , I try to run my truck about i/2 quart low on oil , to the half way add oil mark on the stick and it does seem to help FE. Might want to try Castrol Syntec, Our old Subaru did well with it . could actually feel the difference in power over conventional,