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Old 01-07-2013, 06:21 PM   #28 (permalink)
Your car looks ridiculous
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Northern California
Posts: 96

The Fantastic Festiva - '90 Ford Festiva L
90 day: 43.16 mpg (US)

A Civic Duty - '96 Honda Civic LX
90 day: 34.9 mpg (US)

Ranger Danger - '96 Ford Ranger XL
90 day: 17.42 mpg (US)
Thanks: 23
Thanked 5 Times in 4 Posts
Update - Smog Check #2

Smog take 2. The free re-test. I told the smog tech what I did to the car. He said my readings were way too high and I probably wouldn't pass, that what I did probably wasn't enough. I said let's try it anyway. I had been there twice early in the day, but there was a long line. So I was kind of eager and impatient. So went ahead with it. And guess what happened? I failed, miserably! What lesson did I learn today? Listen to the professional. And patience.

Readings were even worse this time, across the board. Failed an extra category as well! Advancing timing usually increases emissions and retarding it decreases it. The first smog test I was at 10 degrees before top dead center. Bought a timing light and adjusted it, and it read 18 BTDC this time. Spec is 16 +/-2. So I want to aim to adjust it at 14. So that was the good news, and the only good news, that I passed the timing check.

I've attached the smog readings. Wish it was just NOx but it's the entire board.

At 15mph, HC worsened by 55 or 29%, CO by .04 or 5%, and NOx by 438 or 16%. Still exceeding by HC: 154%, CO: 34%, and NOx: 267%.

Interesting thing to note is that the O2 reading increased from 0.9% to 2.8%. Maybe that had something to do with the new O2 sensor? Or maybe it was the timing, who knows. I don't know what it means anyway.

Heater doesn't blow hot if that matters. All I know is that high NOx may be caused by really high temperatures or something. And I actually don't think the radiator fan is working. Gotta check that.

I thought I had solved the smog out of the tail-pipe problem and that's what gave me false confidence that I'd pass. But while he ran the car, it was smogging like crazy. I just don't know. Maybe I just didn't see the smog, maybe the car has to be in drive, who knows. I tried to see whether there was smog by putting the car in neutral and putting a stick on the gas. Oh but that's that.

So it's back to the drawing board. I'm going to find the problem. How much it's going to cost is the only question, heh.

I think I've got to check the catalytic converter. That being the most expensive repair, I was hoping it wasn't that and wanted to pluck all the low-hanging fruit first. But it looks like there's a good chance it might be. But we'll see. Might be running lean, might be a head gasket, might be anything, Shot in the dark. This is going to take a real stroke of something. But I'm still having fun and can't wait to solve this thing.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Smog 2.jpg
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ID:	12227   Click image for larger version

Name:	Smog 1.jpg
Views:	76
Size:	142.9 KB
ID:	12228  

Last edited by AaronMartinSole; 01-07-2013 at 07:11 PM..
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