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Old 06-15-2008, 11:50 AM   #3 (permalink)
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The key-ignition in my metro is starting to stick a bit. I'm assuming something like a liquid spray lube would not be okay? That said, can I shoot a bit of graphite in there? Or is that not okay either?
It is starting to stick because of all the muck/goo that the key deposits in there after many years. The muck/goo FILLS IN the clearances between moving parts. You can certainly spray all kinds of things in it, and they will soften the muck/goo and it will work for a while.

I got tired of the "for a while" part, so I take the lock cylinder out (push pin under the lock when in accesory position, remove lock). Disassemble it completely (keep track of which tumbler goes where). Do not lose any of the mosquito sized springs. Clean all the parts with a tooth brush and solvent. THAT fixes it for good.

Graphite is slippery, but again, the problem is that the clearances between the parts are filled in. If you are OK with the removal part but scared of the "disassemble" part, you could soak the removed cylinder in solvent for a day, and then work the key in and out (turn it as well) as you do so. Clouds of dirt will blow out of it. In the meantime you can start your car with a tool in the lock cylinder hole.
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