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Old 01-08-2013, 09:05 PM   #30 (permalink)
pete c
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Originally Posted by GRU View Post
It's made up of greedy people who only look at what benfits them and their interests, not people like you and me
They are greedy, just like you and me. It is the human condition, unfortunately.

It would be nice if this were not the case, but, it is. It is why socialism is a nice theory, but it fails miserably when actually put to use. It is why government should be treated as a necessary evil and limited as much as possible and be kept as local as possible. The reason being that it is a little more difficult to steal from your neighbor than it is to steal from someone on the other side of the country.

A bunch of old dead white dudes a few centuries ago understood this perfectly. Too bad our current crop of politicians and today's braindead voters don't.

Well, I guess that is enough libertarian ranting for now.
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