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Old 01-09-2013, 04:12 AM   #13 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Xist View Post
One of my friends has a scooter. I happened to catch up to him at a light when I was in my Prelude. I revved my engine and he laughed.

One time I was with him and I commented that it looked like a guy went by on a motorcycle, but it sounded like a scooter. He said that more and more scooters were designed to look like motorcycles to be more "macho."

The best of both worlds?
Looking more macho than a Prius while providing better fuel-economy. That makes a lot of sense environmentally-wise. I may tell you I consider motorcycles and scooters the most reasonable vehicles regarding this aspect, since they require less replacement parts, lube oils, friction material for brakes and clutch, tyres, and also generate a smaller pressure over the soil.
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