Originally Posted by jakobnev
Was it not her own choice to have more kids than fit inside a 40mpg-car?
Spoken like someone who’s never truly struggled financially.
When you’re on the bottom you take what you can get for what meager amount you can beg, borrow or steal. I’ve been there, or close to it, and it’s a difficult situation that the “privileged” can’t even begin to understand. The choices for a 40mpg vehicle that runs, drives, has room for a family, are dirt cheap and doesn’t need worked on are few indeed.
Also, the “choice” of number of kids isn’t as black and white as you would seem to believe.
My wife and I KNEW that we wanted 2 kids, and that was it, I even went as far as seeing a Dr. to ensure that there would be no more. Well, due to some unprecedented timing my wife got pregnant the week of my “procedure” because of a biological oddity that had never happened in her 18+ years of “womanhood”.

A guy I work with “chose” to have 1 kid but ended up with 3 because of an “unplanned miracle” consisting of twins.
My aunt had 3 girls and a husband to contribute to the well-being of their family. Well, the low-life decided one day that he didn’t like his situation and left. The bum doesn’t work, doesn’t pay any significant child support and left my aunt working every hour of the waking day to maintain her “poverty level” status.
Things aren’t always black and white. There are a LOT of circumstances that can REALLY throw a curve into the best laid plans of men.