Originally Posted by Sven7
Rally drivers go 55mph from stage to stage because getting pulled over DNF's their entire day. Go the speed limit, follow laws and they'll have no reason to pull you over!
(But really, do what you want!)
in jersey ...they have a nasty habit of vehicle profiling (now) and where infamous for racial profiling a few years back...but got they slick and went into (vp) business..more money lol....so people cant pull the race card....its called soft target vehicles honda civics/integra's in urban sections .. mustang/camaro's suburbia...mainly feel the brunt of it...they will use any excuse to pull you over..license plate trims those clear plastic cover = unclear license plate, pine tree on the rear view mirror = obstruction of view.....and plenty of other trickery they do.... to fill their quotas aka job performance.. they aint writing tickets they aint working..its been done to me & countless others plenty of times...its not about upholding the law its about generating money..for their cities/counties...