Originally Posted by MetroMPG
If you're getting a bit of "push back" from your better half on using a block heater... fun times ahead, no?
Yesterday I installed the block heater and got the "please don't touch my car" speech.
I have this feeling that she will never plug in an hour before driving like I have been [carefully] suggesting.
Here is the block heater as viewed through a mirror. It is on the back side of the engine block, sticking in the end right above where the transmission bolts up on the drivers side:
It was a bit of a pain to install because there are some metal vacuum pipes that run past it, as you can see to the right of it. I had to remove one bolt to flex these pipes out of the way a bit to slide the block heater past.
I really had no idea they make engines block heaters that do not require the draining of the coolant. It was nice to be able to install it in about half an hour with no accompanying mess.
Now…where to put the plug. Somewhere EASY to access (better chance that my wife will comply - if she has to bend over, it won't happen). Somewhere where it won't keep rubbing up against the paint.
I plugged it in through the Kill-A-Watt and it draws 384 watts. Next I might experiment with how long it needs to be plugged it in to make a difference to startup temps, monitored with the ScanGauge.