I would like to revisit #38 because it seems like 18 wheelers can create drafts that one can benefit from even when following at a safe distance. I don't have any proof , but when a truck passes at highway speeds, you can often see leaves and other light debris fluttering for several seconds after the truck has passed. Couldnt I get the equivalent of a 5-10 mph wind boost and still remain 2-3 seconds behind the truck? If I find one travelling at a reasonable speed then I get the double benefit of not worrying about driving a little slower than the rest of the traffic. Also, 18 wheelers follow a lot of these rules because they are carrying heavy loads and are very sensitive to braking situations and they also tend to slow down when going uphill and speed up on the downgrades, which I just recently figured out is much better than using cruise control. BTW, I get much better mileage when my wife is not in the car. She can't stand the slow acceleration from stoplights or how I like to put the car in neutral on downhills!