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Old 01-10-2013, 07:10 AM   #56 (permalink)
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Around here the four wheeler and golf cart are quite acceptable for transportation. They are not allowed to drive state highways but are seen in town and on the back roads. they are commonly seen parked in front of local businesses No modifications needed.

Once you start piling on the weight and power the bicycle wheel/tire system isn't acceptable. Compare your wheels to the wheels on a common 50cc motorcycle. The axles, spokes and drive train are much beefier.

Originally Posted by BarelyAWake View Post
"We interrupt this somewhat sporadically updated monolog to bring you this important announcement!"

Well, not that important really unless you're nuts enough to want to build your own fully suspended tadpole, hybrid, tribrid or otherwise lol

This is exactly the donor vehicle I would very strongly recommend getting if you're so inclined as it's an inexpensive import, so inexpensive it costs nearly the same as purchasing just the horizontal four stroke alone (far less than an actual Honda) - yet comes with nearly everything needed to custom build your own chassis as well as a true dual A-arm front suspension, even the spindles & brakes look as if they'd be easy enough to re-purpose, as well as the electrical harness, switches & whatnot... which while seemingly cheap enough by themselves, adds up faster than I'd care to admit lol

Note that this one happens to be 100cc, whereas I'd reco the 49cc - but I would assume they're available in either displacement, the mounting & peripherals are the same in any case & usually fully cross compatible with the Honda XR50R, CRF50F, XR70R, CRF70F & similar product line such as their Lifan clones & no-name knockoffs like what's pictured.

Interestingly - this may well be one of the few examples of where "cheap" works to your advantage, the tubing so light as I'd be concerned utilizing it on a 100cc four-wheeler, jumping, racing about & crashing it as they tend to be... but to be cut up and re-used for the far lighter duty demands of a motorized tadpole trike, particularly as you'd be examining & redoing welds as you go... well, as I mentioned this was exactly what I was looking for but failed to find - at the time everything I saw available was single A-arm (causing oddities in alignment & tracking under compression) and/or so heavy as to be useless for a bicycle/tricycle.

So, while far too late for my madness - I thought I'd post up it's plates (manufacturer etc) on the off chance it could help someone else, just in case someone also wants a fully suspended tadpole, for less effort and far less cost than a scratch build, then buying each & every part separately *shrug*

"We now continue this somewhat sporadically updated monolog, or not as the case may be - depending entirely on the whims of fortune, fate & the demands of the so-called 'real life' lol"
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” George Orwell

“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe.

The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed.”

Noah Webster, 1787
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