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Old 12-30-2007, 08:01 PM   #7 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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WOW... this is fascinating...

Thank you guys, for the information- really.

My passion and obsession lies far from driving a fuel efficient vehicle, (to me, fuel efficiency is "miles per tank", therefor, my GMC is more efficient because I end up filling it up less than the Jeep), but I am VERY interested in this subject. I cringe at the thought of a country filled with tiny cars, as driving, to me, is an art. I do enjoy feathering my pedal, especially when I had the Monte, as I would try to top my record with each tank, but I ALWAYS have days where I'm all about hammering into and out of corners...

Anyway, I have company and it's very rude for me to be in here typing... I'd better head out!

Guys, I plan on coming back. I love all things mechanical, and I love not the man who goes out and buys a Prius with the notion in mind that he is saving the world, but the man, like you, who appears to be meticulously striving to get the most out of the machine.

Congrats to you, sir. I look forward to hearing more of what you have to say.

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