Originally Posted by XYZ
You live in Philippines. I live in America. What I have described is not only double taxation, but multiple taxation.
Don't move to America if you find this system of taxation onerous. That's the way it is here.
Move to America where service crew at McD's make three times as much as I do at my white collar job, where cars and gas cost 50% less due to low sales tax and the unemployed get enough welfare benefits to actually have three squares a day? Where all of my (much) poorer friends have moved to, and where they now make five times as much as me, drive new Civic hybrids and have enough left over at the end of the month to send home the equivalent of my salary to support their families here?
Believe me, the thought has never crossed my mind... I enjoy giving up a third of my salary to taxes, paying 12% in sales tax, even on basic commodities, and being charged nearly 100% in taxes every time I want to purchase a car that isn't shoddily assembled in Thailand. And the nearly five dollar a gallon gasoline is great, too. (Remember, my take home is less than a thousand dollars a month... for a job which is worth $10k a month back there. That's why I have more than one job and source of income)
Multiple taxation is inevitable given that taxes are levied on whatever you consume along every step of the chain. A problem that is much worse outside America than inside it.