Route conundrum...
I'm new to eco driving... I hope someone can advise me. I drive pretty much the same route every day. There are many ways I can take to bypass traffic but only 2 ways I can get home from the freeway. One route is longer but doesn't have any traffic lights or hills. The other route is shorter has 4 extra lights (which are horridly timed!), a slight uphill grade and a rather large hill.
It might be an easy question but the shorter route is actually 3.5 miles shorter...If I get stuck at every light (which happens about 50% of the time) both routes take about the same time to complete. I'm hoping there is a way to take this in to account. I don't have anything to tell me instant MPG.
My question is how can I figure out if taking the long way is actually worth it or not?
Last edited by razor02097; 01-14-2013 at 10:20 AM..
Reason: misspelled title